miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Post 10: Some Reflections

Hi my followers, this is day very special because Its my last post and I going to talk about some reflections that I had this year, so far.

This year is had very good because I could be assistant in a workshop of my carreer and it is very special because it is the best workshop in the FAU. I have been able to help my friends with their works and this It is a amazing experience. Another good thing in this year is that I turned a year with my girlfriend, we had a beautiful day.

A Situations that have not worked so well in this year was my currently workshop. It was a bad experience because I did not undersigned the contents and also I did dislike the teacher but fortunately I approved the workshop.

Some achievements in this year was:
The University of Talca accepted me in the national mobility
I approved the workshop
I Participated in the heritage day
Start my business of handmade notebooks

This semester have been very good, I learned many things from the carreer and also I realized that there are most important things that I study all day without gif me time to the activities that I realy enjoy.

This is the end my friends, it was a pleassure write for you. See you the next semester. bye bye 


miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

Post 9: My Favourite Music

Hi! my dear followers, today I am going to talk about my favourite music. The true is that I do not have a kind of favourite music, I listen to everything kind  of music: Rock, Rap, Pop, reggaeton, Blues, etc. Anyway, the common factor in all music that I listen to is the calm.
When I was a child my father listened radio, It was on all day, I think that is the reason that I can not choose what is my favourite music. Everyday I listened all kind music.

althougt I do not have a favourite kind of music, my favorite band is the Rock style, I very much like Bon Jovi. I remember the firts time that I listened a song of Bon jovi: "It's my life" I loved it so much that I searched of all  his songs in Ares.

The best concert was Bon Jovi 2017 in Chile. It was a amazing experience in the world, althougt I am not good in English I sang all song and I shouted soo much.

In general I like soo much the music and always that I have time I put on my headphone and listen music. This is all for today my friends, see you in my next post Bye bye.

Post 8: A Subject you have Enjoyed Studing this Semester

Hi dear followers, today I going to talk about my favorite subject in this semester. The true is that it not a subject but I have to go twice a week to help my partners. This semester I am assistant in Crovari's workshop. He is very funny so I enjoy a lot to help him.
My job in the workshop basically consist to give tips to my friends.
Also is important to say the students in this course are from my generation so I know almost everyone and many of them are my friends.
In the workshop the teacher taught about many topics, this semester is about public space and the students had to analyze differents parks from Santiago, for example Bicentenario park, bustamante park, etc. Now they are work in a public space in orchard Fau. the amazing think is that the best proyect will be built.
I would like to continue being assitant in this class because I really enjoy to help another people in this carreer.
That is all my friends, see you in my next post :).


miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Post 7: Who is a person on your field that you admire?

Hello my followers, today I am going to talk about an architect that I admire a lot, Frei Otto: The father of the tense structures.

Frei Otto was a German architect, design enginneer and winner of the 2015 Pritzker Prize. Frei is known for his tensile architectural designs.
He is famous for his experiments with materials like bubbles, membranes, chais, etc. He trasformed this experiments in amazing proyects of architecture. Some examples of his proyects are:
(1) The central sports stadium of the Munich 1972 Olympic Games.
(2) The West German pavilion.
(3) Tuwaiq Palace.

I like him because he created a new kind of architecture through the material experimentation. Frei Otto opened a world of spaces possibilities in the architecture with shapes never seen before.

Frei Otto is my favorite architect because he created a new way of thinking about construct spaces and buildings and till this day is remembered for that. This is the end my friends, see you in my next Post. bye bye :) 


miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Post 6: Video Games

Hi my friends. Today I go to talk about the my favorite video game: Crash of the Titans.

Since my parents gifted me the PlayStation one my favorite video games is Crash because I enjoy the adventure games. The first time that I played this game was in the home of a Friend. This girl was the first to have a playStation, so everyone went to her house to play video Games.

When the Playstation 2 was on sale I bought this game, but the best of the game is that I could play with my little sister because it had to two players. We played all day and when we finished the game we started again.

A video game that I would like play is Spider man: The Game because I love Marvel Comics and the game have a soo good review. The game have amazing graphics and they say that when you play the game you feel that you are Spider man and this is very cool.

That is all for today my friends. See you in a new Post. Bye :)  

A grand Animal

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about an amazing animal, this is the elephant. The elephant is the biggest mammal in all eart...