miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Hi! my followers Today I am going to talk about friends.
I think that the friends are something very important to us. They help us in the bad and good moments, and them they came along with me in all live.
I have the best friends in all world, the Chini, the Negro, the Mani and Fernandez. although before to school we will take differents ways We get thogether sometimes to drink something and talk about our lives.
I remember my best holidays with my friends. We traveled to Puerto Montt. We had to save money to pay the travel. When We were amazed  to come to the city, all was beautiful, the sea, the street, the people. Our Livestock are between Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas, so we could to travel to Puerto Montt or Puerto Varas. I had never met Puerto Varas, The lake is awesome and bigger. The food was very nice, but I think that the best to the travel was my friend because I enjoyed all the holidays with them.

This is the end my followers I see you in my next blog, bye bye :) 

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

My favorite Technology

Hi! Today I going to talk about the my favorite technology, I think that the techonology is a great support in the life people, but the best technology for me are the prosthesis, because it give a opportunity to the persons for continue them lifes in the normal. 

This is the case of a child with a disability. He was born with his rigth arm not debeloped. He is a Marvel Fan and he like so much Iron man and his armor. A day Robert Downey jr (The actor of Iron man) came to her home with a gift for the child. The gift was a prosthesis like a the armor of Iron man, The child was very happy that his favorite heore was giving him a very cool arm.

Exist people that think that the techology making us in lazy people and this people prefer not use it, but I think that in many cases the technology it give us a opportunity.

This for this that I think that que prosthesis is my favorite piece of technology.

Your Best / Favorite Holidays

Hi my followers, today I am going to talk about my favorite holidays so, let's start.
My best holiday was in the summer of 2017 when I went to Puerto Montt with my friends, maybe it wasn't the most beatiful place to go but we had a good time.
In those vacations I had the first time spending so many time with my friends, we went just for one week but we had a great experience. I remember that in those vacations I didn't have a lot of money, but in Christmas my aunt gave me some, and later in January for my birthday she gave me money again.
In Puerto Montt we knew many places, We went to Puerto Varas that is at thirty minutes away, then we went to Frutillar and there they sale the best kutchen of Chile.
One day we were invited to a party but it was very rainy and it was hilarious because we get wet in the way to the party and when we arrived all the people were watching at us.
I think that those were the best holidays because I went with my best friends and I will never forget it.
This is the end my follower, see you in my next blog. bye bye :)


miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

What Country Would I Like to Visit?

Hi! Today I going to talk about a country that I really would like to visit, this Place is Canada. So I have many reasons to travel Canada, one of these is that it is a new country with new oportunities and Canada have the oportunity of no committing the same mistakes que other countries in the world, Canada can learn of theirs.

Canadas has a weather very awesome a beautiful sun in the summer but a strong cold in the Winter, my girlfriend When she was in the high school she win a Beca to Going to Canada to study. She tell me that was a amazing experience beacuse she met other reality, other kind of persons, a diferents landscapes and a culture different from her own.

When she went to school in Canada she was crossing a forest to get to school and while she walked, was appearing aminals. She tell me how the squirrels was jumping of one tree and another tree and this is very funny.

I have hope that some day I going to know Canada :)

A grand Animal

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about an amazing animal, this is the elephant. The elephant is the biggest mammal in all eart...